ingilizce’de en sık kullanılan 1000 kelime hangileridir?
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İngilizce’de En Sık Kullanılan 1000 Kelime
İngilizce’de En Sık Kullanılan 1000 Kelime
English Word |
Turkish Türkçe |
DefinitionTanım |
about | hakkında | relating to a particular subject | |
accident | n | kaza | something bad which happens by chance, and hurts someone or damages something |
activity | n | etkinlik | something that you do for enjoyment |
actor | n | aktör | someone, especially a man, who performs in plays and films |
address | n | adres | the number of a building and the name of the street, city, etc where it is |
afternoon | n | öğleden sonra | the time between the middle of the day and the evening |
against | karşısına | touching something | |
age | n | yaş | the number of years that someone has lived, or that something has existed |
air | n | hava | the mixture of gases around the Earth which we breathe |
alone | adj | yanlız | without other people |
always | adv | her zaman | every time, or at all times |
American | adj | Amerikan | coming from or relating to America |
angry | adj | sinirli | feeling that you want to shout at someone or hurt them because they have behaved badly |
animal | n | hayvan | |
answer | n | cevap | what you say or write back to someone who has asked you a question |
apartment building | n | apartman dairesi | a building in which there are many sets of rooms on each level for people to live in |
apple | n | elma | a hard, round fruit with a green or red skin |
April | n | Nisan | the fourth month of the year |
area | n | ||
arm | n | kol | the long part at each side of the human body, ending in a hand |
armchair | n | koltuk | a comfortable chair with sides that support your arms |
around | etrafında | on all sides of something | |
arrive | v | varmak | to get to a place |
art | n | sanat | |
ask | v | sormak | to say something to someone as a question |
at | -de | in a particular place or position | |
attraction | n | etkinlik | something that makes people come to a place |
August | n | Ağustos | the eighth month of the year |
aunt | n | hala | the sister of your mother or father, or the wife of your uncle |
Australian | adj | Avustrulyalı | coming from or relating to Australia |
autumn | n | sonbahar | the season of the year between summer and winter, when leaves fall from the trees |
baby | n | bebek | |
back | n | arka, sırt | |
bad | adj | kötü | not good or pleasant |
bag | n | çanta | a container made of paper, plastic, leather, or material, used for carrying things |
ball | n | top | a round object that you throw, kick, or hit in a game, or something with this shape |
balloon | n | balon | a round rubber thing filled with air or gas that floats in the air |
banana | n | muz | a long, white fruit with a yellow skin |
band | n | grup | a group of musicians who play modern music together |
bank | n | banka | an organisation or place where you can save and borrow money |
base | n | üs | |
basketball | n | basketbol | a game in which two teams try to win points by throwing a ball through a high net |
bat | n | yarasa | |
bath | n | banyo | the container that you fill with water and sit in to wash your body |
bathroom | n | banyo | a room with a bath, sink (=bowl for washing), and often a toilet |
be | v | olmak | a verb used when describing someone or something |
be | v | olmak | used to show that someone or something exists |
be | v | olmak | used to show where someone or something is |
be | v | olmak | used to give a fact or your opinion about something |
beach | n | plaj | an area of sand or rocks next to the sea |
bear | n | ayı | |
beautiful | adj | güzel | very attractive |
become | v | olmak | to begin to be something |
bed | n | yatak | a piece of furniture that you sleep on |
bedroom | n | yatak odası | a room used for sleeping in |
begin | v | başlamak | to start to do something |
behind | arkasında | at or to the back of someone or something | |
Belgian | adj | Belçika | coming from or relating to Belgium |
Belgium | n | Belçika | a country in Europe |
bell | n | zil | |
best friend | n | en iyi arkadaş | a friend that you like most of all your friends and spend the most time with |
better | adj | daha iyi | of a higher quality or more enjoyable than someone or something else |
between | arasında | in the space that separates two places, people, or things | |
bicycle | n | bisiklet | a vehicle with two wheels that you sit on and move by turning the two pedals (=parts you press with your feet) |
big | adj | büyük | large in size or amount |
bigger | adj | daha büyük | comparative of ‘big’ (larger in size or amount?) |
bike | n | bisiklet | a bicycle (=vehicle with two wheels that you sit on and move by turning two parts with your feet) |
biology | n | Biyoloji | the study of living things |
bird | n | kuş | |
birthday | n | doğum günü | the day of the year on which someone was born |
black | adj | siyah | being the colour of the sky on a dark night |
blonde | adj | sarışın | blonde hair is yellow |
blood | n | kan | |
blue | adj | mavi | being the same colour as the sky when there are no clouds |
board | n | tahta | a flat object or surface used for a particular purpose |
boat | n | kayık | a vehicle for travelling on water |
body | n | vücut | |
bone | n | kemik | |
book | n | kitap | a set of pages with writing on them fastened together in a cover |
bookshop | n | kitabevi | a shop that sells books |
bored | adj | sıkılmış | tired and unhappy because something is not interesting or because you are doing nothing |
boring | adj | sıkıcı | not interesting or exciting |
bottom | adj | dibinde | |
boyfriend | n | erkek arkadaş | a man or boy who someone is having a romantic relationship with |
box | n | kutu | |
branch | n | dal | |
Brazil | n | Brezilya | a country in South America |
Brazilian | adj | Brezilya | coming from or relating to Brazil |
bread | n | ekmek | a basic food made by mixing and baking flour and water |
break | v | kırmak | to separate into two or more pieces, or to make something separate into two or more pieces |
breakfast | n | kahvaltı | the food you eat in the morning after you wake up |
bring | v | getirmek | to take someone or something with you when you go somewhere |
Britain | n | Britanya | a country in Europe |
British | adj | İngiliz | relating to Great Britain or the United Kingdom |
brother | n | erkek kardeş | a boy or man who has the same parents as you |
brown | adj | kahverengi | being the same colour as chocolate |
building | n | bina | a structure with walls and a roof, such as a house or school |
burger | n | köfte | meat in a round, flat shape, that you eat between bread |
bus | n | otobüs | a large vehicle that carries passengers by road, usually along a fixed route |
busy | adj | meşgul | working hard, or giving your attention to a particular activity |
buy | v | satın almak | to get something by giving money for it |
café | n | kafe | a small restaurant where you buy drinks and small meals |
call | v | çağırmak | to telephone someone |
camel | n | deve | a large animal that lives in the desert and has one or two humps (=raised parts on its back) |
camp | n | kamp | an area where people stay in tents or temporary homes for a short time |
can | v | -ebilmek | to be able to do something |
Canada | n | Kanada | a country in North America |
capital | n | başkent | the most important city in a country or state |
captain | n | kaptan | the person in control of a ship or aircraft |
car | n | araba | a vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a few passengers |
card | n | kart | a piece of hard paper with numbers and pictures used for playing games |
care | n | bakım | |
careful | adj | dikkatli | giving a lot of attention to what you are doing so that you do not have an accident or make a mistake |
carefully | adv | dikkatlice | giving a lot of attention to what you are doing so that you do not have an accident or make a mistake |
carrot | n | havuç | a long, thin, orange vegetable that grows in the ground |
cartoon | n | çizgi film | a film made using characters that are drawn and not real |
case | n | kutu, sandık | |
cassette | n | kaset | a flat, plastic case containing a long piece of magnetic material that is used to record and play sound and pictures |
castle | n | kale | a large, strong building that was built in the past to protect the people inside from being attacked |
cat | n | kedi | an animal with fur that is kept as a pet |
catch | v | yakalamak | to stop someone or something that is moving through the air by getting hold of it |
cause | n | (bir şeyin) neden(i) | |
cell | n | hücre | |
century | n | yüzyıl | |
CD | n | CD | a small disc on which music or information is recorded |
chair | n | sandalye | a seat for one person, with a back and usually four legs |
chance | n | şans | |
change | v | değişmek | to become different, or to make someone or something become different |
character | n | karakter | |
chat show | n | sohbet programı | a television or radio programme where people are asked questions about themselves |
cheap | adj | ucuz | not expensive, or costing less than usual |
check | v | kontrol etmek | to look at something to make sure that it is right or safe |
cheese | n | peynir | a yellow or white food made from milk |
chef | n | şef | someone who cooks food in a restaurant |
chemist | n | eczacı | someone who prepares and sells drugs in a shop |
chicken | n | tavuk | the meat of a chicken |
children | n | çocuklar | the plural of ‘child’ |
chief | n | şef | |
China | n | Çin | a country in Asia |
Chinese | adj | Çin | relating to China |
chips | n | patatez kızartması | long, thin pieces of potato that are cooked in oil |
chocolate | n | çikolata | a sweet, brown food that is usually sold in a block |
Christmas | n | Noel | the Christian period of celebration around 25 December, when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and people give each other presents |
cinema | n | sinema | a building where you go to watch films |
circle | n | daire | |
city | n | şehir | a large town |
city centre | n | şehir merkezi | the part of a city that is in the middle and has a lot of shops or offices |
class | n | sınıf | |
classical | adj | klasik | describes serious music by people like Mozart and Stravinsky |
clean | adj | temizlemek | not dirty |
clean | v | temiz | to remove the dirt from something |
climb | v | tırmanmak | to go up something |
clock | n | masa/duvar saati | |
close | v | kapatmak | if something closes, it moves so that it is not open, and if you close something, you move it so that it is not open |
closer | adj | daha yakın | comparative of ‘close’ |
clothes | n | giysiler | things such as shirts and trousers that you wear on your body |
cloudy | adj | bulutlu | with many clouds in the sky |
club | n | kulüp | a group of people who do a sport or other activity together |
coast | n | kıyı | |
coat | n | kaban | a piece of clothing that you wear over your other clothes when you are outside |
coffee | n | kahve | a hot drink made from dark beans which are made into a powder, or a cup of this drink |
cola | n | kola | a sweet, dark-brown drink with lots of bubbles |
cold | adj | soğuk | having a low temperature |
collar | n | yaka | the part of a shirt or coat that goes round your neck |
collection | n | koleksiyon | a group of objects of the same type that have been brought together |
colony | n | koloni/sömürge | |
colour TV | n | renkli TV | a television that has colour pictures |
colourful | adj | renkli | having bright colours |
column | n | sütun, kolon | |
come | v | gelmek | to move or travel towards a person who is speaking |
comedy | n | komedi | a funny film or play |
comfortable | adj | rahat | making you feel relaxed and free from pain |
company | n | şirket | |
compare | v | karşılaştırmak | to examine the ways in which two people or things are different or similar |
competition | n | yarışma | an event in which people try to win something by being the best, fastest, etc |
completely | adv | tamamen | in every way or as much as possible |
computer | n | bilgisayar | an electronic machine that can store and arrange large amounts of information |
computer game | n | bilgisayar oyunu | a game which you play on a computer |
concert | n | konser | a performance of music and singing |
conditions | n | koşullar | the physical situation that people are in |
consonont | n | ünsüz | |
continent | n | kıta | |
cook | v | pişirmek | to make food ready to eat |
cooker | n | ocak | a piece of equipment used to cook food |
copy | n | kopya | |
corn | n | mısır | |
corner | n | köşe | the point or area where two lines, walls, or roads meet |
correct | adj | doğru | accurate, or having no mistakes |
cost | n | maliyet | |
costume | n | kostüm | all the clothes that you wear at the same time, usually special clothes |
cotton | n | pamuk | |
count | v | saymak | to see how many people or things there are |
country | n | ülke | |
countryside | n | kırsal bölge | land that is not in towns or cities and has farms, fields, etc |
course | n | kurs | |
cousin | n | kuzen | the child of your aunt or uncle |
cover | n | kapak | |
cow | n | inek | |
crop | n | hububat | |
crowd | n | kalabalık | |
cry | v | ağlamak | to produce tears from your eyes because you are sad |
cup | n | fincan | a small, round container with a handle on the side, used to drink from |
curly | adj | kıvırcık | with many curls |
current | n | akıntı | |
cut | v | kesmek | |
cycle | v | bisiklet sürmek | to ride a bicycle |
cycling | n | bisiklet binmek | the activity of riding a bicycle |
dad | n | baba | father |
dance | n | dans etmek | a set of movements that you do to music |
dance | v | dans | to move your feet and body to the rhythm of music |
dancing | n | dans etmek | when you move your body to music for enjoyment |
danger | n | tehlike | the possibility that someone or something will be harmed or killed |
dangerous | adj | tehlikeli | if someone or something is dangerous, they could harm you |
dark | adj | karanlık | with no light or not much light |
daughter | n | kız çocuk | your female child |
day | n | gün | a period of 24 hours |
dead | adj | ölü | not now alive |
deal | n | anlaşma | |
December | n | Aralık | the twelfth month of the year |
degree | n | derece, rütbe | |
delicious | adj | lezzetli | extremely good to eat or drink |
design | n | tasarım | |
desk | n | çalışma masası | a table that you sit at to write or work |
dessert | n | tatlı | sweet food that is eaten after the main part of a meal |
destroy | v | yok etmek | to damage something so badly that it cannot be used or does not exist |
detective novel | n | tehlike | a book about someone whose job is to discover information about a crime |
dictionary | n | sözlük | |
die | v | ölmek | to stop living |
different | adj | farklı | not the same as someone or something else |
difficult | adj | zor | not easy to do or understand |
dining room | n | yemek odası | a room where you eat your meals |
dinner | n | akşam yemeği | the main meal of the day that people usually eat in the evening |
dinosaur | n | dinozor | a very large animal that used to live millions of years ago |
directions | n | talimatlar | instructions that tell you how to get to a place, or how to do something |
dirty | adj | kirli | not clean |
dishwasher | n | bulaşık makinesi | a machine that washes plates, glasses and other kitchen equipment |
division | n | bölüm | |
do | v | yapmak | to perform an action or job |
doctor | n | doktor | a person whose job is to treat people who have an illness or injury |
documentary | n | belgesel | a film or television programme that gives facts about a real situation |
dog | n | köpek | an animal with fur, four legs and a tail that is kept as a pet, or trained to guard buildings |
door | n | kapı | the part of a building or room that you open or close to get inside it or out of it |
double | adj | duble, çift | |
down | altında | towards or in a lower place | |
draw | v | çizmek | to produce a picture by making marks with a pen or pencil |
dream | n | rüya | a series of events and images that happen in your mind while you are sleeping |
dress | n | kıyafet | a piece of clothing for women which covers the top of the body and hangs down over the legs |
drink | v | içmek | to put liquid into your mouth and swallow it |
drink | n | içecek | a liquid or an amount of liquid that you drink |
drive | v | sürmek | to make a car, bus, or train move, and control what it does |
drop | v | düşürmek | |
during | sırasında | for the whole of a period of time | |
duck | n | ördek | |
DVD player | n | DVD oynatıcı | a piece of equipment that plays DVDs (=small discs for storing music, films and information) |
11th (eleventh) | 11inci (onbirinci) | ||
8th (eighth) | 8nci (sekizinci) | ||
ear | n | kulak | one of the two things on your head that you hear with |
early | adj | erken | near the beginning of a period of time, process, etc |
earn | v | kazanmak | to get money for doing work |
earth | n | toprak | |
easy | adj | kolay | not difficult |
east | n | doğu | |
eat | v | yemek | to put food into your mouth and then swallow it |
edge | n | kenar | |
effect | n | etki | |
egg | n | yumurta | an oval object produced by a female chicken, that you eat as food |
electricity | n | elektrik | a type of energy that can produce light and heat, or make machines work |
n | e-posta | a way of sending messages electronically, from one computer to another | |
empty | adj | boş | with nothing or no one inside |
end | v | bitmek | to finish or stop, or to make something finish or stop |
enemy | n | düşman | |
engine | n | motor | |
England | n | İngiltere | a country in Europe |
English | adj | İngiliz | relating to England |
enjoy | v | eğlenmek | if you enjoy something, it gives you pleasure |
enough | adj | yeterli | |
enter | v | girmek | |
equal | adj | eşit | |
escape | v | kaçmak | to succeed in getting away from a place where you do not want to be |
especially | adv | özellikle | |
Europe | n | Avrupa | a continent |
even | düz, düzgün | ||
evening | n | gece | the part of the day between the afternoon and the night |
event | n | olay | |
every day / week / month / year | her gün / hafta / ay / yıl | all days/weeks/months/years | |
everyone | herkes | every person | |
exact | adj | tam | |
exam | n | sınav | an official test of how much you know about something, or how well you can do something |
example | n | örnek | |
excellent | adj | mükemmel | very good, or of a very high quality |
excited | adj | heyecanlı | feeling very happy and enthusiastic |
exciting | adj | heyecan verici | making you feel very happy and enthusiastic |
excuse (me) | v | (beni) affet | to forgive someone for something that is not very serious |
exercise | n | egzersiz | physical activity that you do to make your body strong |
expensive | adj | pahalı | costing a lot of money |
experince | n | deneyim | |
experiment | n | deney | |
eye | n | göz | one of the two organs in your face, which you use to see with |
1st (first) | 1inci (birinci) | coming before all others | |
4th (fourth) | 4üncü (dördüncü) | ||
5th (fifth) | 5inci (beşinci) | ||
face | n | yüz | the front part of the head where the eyes, nose, and mouth are |
fact | n | gerçek, olgu | |
fair | adj | açık renkli | having pale skin or a light colour of hair |
fall | v | düşmek | to move down towards the ground |
family | n | aile | |
famous | adj | ünlü | known by many people |
fantastic | adj | olağanüstü | very good |
far | adj | uzak | |
farm | n | çiftlik | land and buildings used for growing crops and keeping animals |
fashionable | adj | moda | popular at a particular time |
fast | adj | hızlı | quick |
fast food place | n | hazır yiyecek lokantası | a shop where you buy food to take away that is quick to eat |
fat | adj | şişman | |
father | n | baba | your male parent |
favourite | adj | gözde | your favourite person or thing is the one that you like best |
fear | n | korku | |
February | n | Şubat | the second month of the year |
feed | v | beslemek | |
feel | v | hissetmek | to have an emotion or a physical feeling |
feet | n | ayaklar | |
few | adj | az | |
field | n | tarla, alan | |
fight | v | kavga etmek | to try to hurt or kill someone using your body or weapons |
figure | n | biçim, şekil | |
fill | v | doldurmak | |
film | n | film | a story shown at the cinema or on television |
film star | n | film yıldızı | a famous cinema actor or actress |
final | adj | son | last or coming at the end |
find | v | bulmak | to discover something or someone that you have been searching for |
fine | adj | güzel | well, healthy, or happy |
finger | n | parmak | one of the five long parts at the end of your hand |
finish | v | bitirmek | to complete something |
fire | n | ateş | |
first name | n | ilk ad | the name that comes before your family name |
fish | n | balık | an animal that lives only in water, swims, and can be eaten as food |
fit | adj | uygun | |
flag | n | bayrak | a piece of cloth with a special design and colours, that is the symbol of a country or group |
flat | n | apartman dairesi | a set of rooms to live in, with all the rooms on one floor |
flight | n | uçuş | a journey in an aircraft |
floor | n | yer, zemin | |
flow | v | akmak | |
flower | n | çiçek | |
fly | v | uçmak | |
follow | v | takip etmek | |
food | n | yiyecek | something that people and animals eat to keep them alive |
foot | n | ayak | one of the two flat parts on the ends of your legs that you stand on |
football | n | futbol | a game in which two teams of players kick a round ball and try to score goals |
football team | n | futbol takımı | a group of people who play football together |
footballer | n | futbolcu | someone who plays football, especially as their job |
force | n | güç, kuvvet | |
forest | n | orman | a large area of trees growing closely together |
forget | v | unutmak | to not remember something |
form | n | biçim, şekil | |
forward | adv | ileri | |
fraction | n | bölüm, kesir | |
free | adj | özgür | not busy doing anything |
free | adj | özgür | able to do things without being controlled |
French | adj | Fransız | relating to France |
fresh | adj | taze | fresh food has been produced or collected recently and has not been frozen or dried |
Friday | n | Cuma | the day of the week after Thursday and before Saturday |
fridge | n | buzdolabı | a large cupboard that uses electricity to keep food cold |
friend | n | arkadaş | someone who you know well and like |
from | -den | used to show the place or time that someone or something started at | |
front | n | ön | the side of something that is most often seen because it faces forward |
fruit | n | meyve | something such as an apple or orange that grows on a tree or a bush, contains seeds, and can be eaten as food |
full | adj | dolu | |
fun | adj | eğlence | enjoyable or entertaining |
funny | adj | komik | making you smile or laugh |
game show | n | oyun yarışması | a programme on television in which people play games to try to win prizes |
garden | n | bahçe | an area of ground next to a house, often with grass, flowers, or trees |
gather | v | toplanmak | |
general | adj | genel | |
gentle | adj | nazik | |
Germany | n | Almanya | a country in Europe |
get | v | almak | to obtain or buy something |
get up | v | uyanmak | to wake up and get out of bed, or to make someone do this |
girl | n | kız | a female child or young woman |
girlfriend | n | kız arkadaş | a woman or girl who someone is having a romantic relationship with |
give | v | vermek | to provide someone with something |
glad | adj | memnun | |
glass | n | cam | a hard, clear substance that objects such as windows and bottles are made of |
glasses | n | gözlük | a piece of equipment with two transparent parts that you wear in front of your eyes to help you see better |
go | v | gitmek | to move or travel somewhere |
go for a walk | v | yürüyüşe çıkmak | to walk somewhere for enjoyment |
go shopping | v | alışverişe çıkmak | to go to shops in order to buy things |
go swimming | v | yüzmeye gitmek | to move through water by moving your body for enjoyment |
go to bed | yatağa gitmek | to get into a bed | |
go to school | okula gitmek | to walk or drive to your school | |
go to the cinema | sinemaya gitmek | to go to a place where films are shown in order to see a film | |
go to work | işe gitmek | to go to the place where you do a job that you get money for | |
gold | n | altın | |
good | adj | iyi | enjoyable or pleasant |
good-looking | adj | iyi görünümlü | attractive |
government | n | hükümet | the group of people who officially control a country |
grandfather | n | dede | the father of your mother or father |
grandmother | n | büyük anne | the mother of your mother or father |
grandparent | n | büyük ebeveyn | the parent of your mother or father |
grape | n | üzüm | a small, round fruit that grows in large groups and is used to make wine |
grass | n | çim | a common plant with thin green leaves that grows close to the ground |
great | adj | harika | very good |
green | adj | yeşil | being the same colour as grass |
grey | adj | gri | being a colour that is a mixture of black and white |
grocery | n | bakkal | a shop that sells food and products used in the home |
ground | n | yer, zemin | |
group | n | grup | a number of people or things that are together in one place |
grow | v | yetişmek | |
guess | v | tahmin etmek | |
guide | v | rehberlik etmek | |
guitar | n | gitar | a musical instrument with strings that you play by pulling the strings |
gun | n | silah | a weapon that you fire bullets out of |
gymnastics | n | jimnastik | a sport in which you do physical exercises on the floor and on different pieces of equipment |
hair | n | saç | the thin, thread-like parts that grow on the head and body of people and animals |
half | adj | yarım | |
hall | n | koridor | a room which leads to other rooms |
hamburger | n | hamburger | a round, flat shape of meat which is eaten between round pieces of bread |
hand | n | el | the part of your body on the end of your arm that has fingers and a thumb |
happen | v | olmak | if an event or situation happens, it exists or starts to be done |
happy | adj | mutlu | pleased and in a good mood, especially because something good has happened |
hard | adj | sert | firm and not easy to press or bend |
hard | adj | zor | full of problems and difficult to deal with |
hard | adj | zor | difficult to do or understand |
hat | n | şapka | something that you wear to cover your head |
hate | v | nefret etmek | to dislike someone or something very much |
have | v | sahip olmak | to own something |
have a bath/shower | duş almak | to wash yourself in a bath (=large container) or a shower (=running water) | |
have a coffee | kahve içmek | to drink a hot, bitter drink made from dark beans | |
have a good/great time | v | iyi vakit geçirmek | to enjoy yourself very much |
have an ice cream | dondurma yemek | to eat a sweet, cold food made from frozen milk | |
have breakfast / lunch / dinner | yemek yemek / kahvaltı yapmak | to eat a meal | |
have got | v | sahip olmak | to own something |
head | n | kafa | |
hear | v | duymak | to be aware of a sound through your ears |
heart | n | kalp | the thing inside your chest that sends blood around your body |
heavy | adj | ağır | |
help | v | yardım etmek | |
high street | n | ana cadde | the main road in the centre of a town where there are shops |
hill | n | tepe | |
history | n | tarih | events that happened in the past |
hit | v | vurmak | |
hobby | n | hobi | an activity that you enjoy and often do when you are not working |
hole | n | delik | a hollow space in something, or an opening in something |
holiday | n | tatil | a time when you do not have to go to work or school |
home | n | ev | the place where you live |
homework | n | ev ödevi | work which teachers give students to do at home |
honey | n | bal | a sweet, sticky food that is made by bees |
hope | v | ummak | to want something to happen or be true |
horse | n | at | a large animal with four legs, which people ride or use to pull heavy things |
hospital | n | hastane | a place where ill or injured people go to be treated by doctors and nurses |
hot | adj | sıcak | very warm |
hotel | n | otel | a place where you pay to stay when you are away from home |
hour | n | saat | a period of time equal to 60 minutes |
house | n | ev | a building where people live, usually one family or group |
How (many) | Ne kadar (fazla) | used to ask about quantity, size, or age | |
How (old) | Kaç (yaşında) | used to ask about quantity, size, or age | |
huge | adj | büyük | |
human | n | insan | |
hundred | n | yüz | |
hungry | adj | aç | wanting or needing food |
hunt | v | avlanmak | |
hurry | v | acele etmek |
I know. | Biliyorum. | used when you agree with something someone has just said | |
ice cream | n | dondurma | a sweet, cold food made from frozen milk |
iceberg | n | buzdağı | a very large piece of ice that floats in the sea |
idea | n | fikir | a suggestion or plan |
ill | adj | hasta | not feeling well, or suffering from a disease |
imagine | v | hayal etmek | |
important | adj | önemli | valuable, useful, or necessary |
in | içinde | inside a container or place | |
include | v | dahil etmek | |
industry | n | sanayi | |
in front of | önünde | close to the front part of something | |
insect | n | böcek | |
inside | içinde | in or into a room, building, or container | |
instant | n | an | |
instrument | n | aygıt | |
intelligent | adj | akıllı | able to learn and understand things easily |
interest | n | ilgi | |
interesting | adj | ilgi çekici | keeping your attention |
interview | n | mülakat | a meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you are suitable for a job or course |
into | içine | towards the inside or middle of something | |
into | içine | towards the inside or middle of something | |
invent | v | icat etmek | |
Irish | adj | İrlandalı | relating to Ireland |
iron | n | demir | |
island | n | ada | an area of land that has water around it |
Italian | adj | İtalyan | coming from or relating to Italy |
Italy | n | İtalya | a country in Europe |
jacket | n | ceket | a short coat |
jam | n | reçel | a sweet food made from fruit that you put on bread |
January | n | Ocak | the first month of the year |
Japan | n | Japonya | a country consisting of a group of islands near the east coast of Asia |
jazz | n | caz | music with a strong beat that people often play without looking at written music |
job | n | iş | the work that you do in order to get money |
join | v | katılmak | to become a member of an organisation |
juice | n | özsu | the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables |
July | n | Temmuz | the seventh month of the year |
jump | v | sıçramak | |
June | n | Haziran | the sixth month of the year |
kangaroo | n | kanguru | a large Australian animal that moves by jumping on its back legs |
keep | v | muhafaza etmek | |
key | n | anahtar | |
kill | v | öldürmek | to make someone or something die |
kilo | n | kilo | kilogram |
kilometre | n | kilometre | a unit for measuring distance, equal to 1000 metres |
kind | n | çeşit, tür | |
kind | adj | iyi | |
king | n | kral | |
kitchen | n | mutfak | a room used to prepare and cook food in |
know | v | bilmek | to have information about something in your mind |
lady | n | bayan | a polite way of saying ‘woman’ |
lake | n | göl | |
lamb | n | kuzu | meat from a young sheep |
lamp | n | lamba | an object that produces light |
land | v | inmek | if an aeroplane lands, it arrives on the ground after flying |
language | n | dil | words that people use to speak or write |
laptop | n | dizüstü bilgisayar | a small computer that you can carry around with you |
large | adj | geniş | big |
last month / night / week / weekend | geçen ay / gece / hafta / haftasonu | the month/night, etc. before this one | |
late | adj | geç | after the usual time or the time that was arranged |
later | adj | sonra | after some time |
laugh | v | gülmek | to smile and make sounds with your voice because something is funny |
law | n | kanun | |
lay | v | yaymak, sermek | |
leader | n | lider | a person in control of a group, country, or situation |
learn | v | öğrenmek | to get knowledge or a new skill |
leave | v | ayrılmak | to go away from a place |
left | adj | sol | |
leg | n | bacak | one of the parts of the body that is used for walking |
length | n | uzunluk | |
lemonade | n | limonata | a fizzy cold drink that tastes of lemon |
less | adj | az | not as much |
lesson | n | ders | a period of time when a teacher teaches people |
letter | n | mektup | some writing that you send to someone, usually by post |
letterbox | n | mektup kutusu | a small hole in a door that you put letters through |
lettuce | n | marul | a plant with green leaves, which you eat in salads |
level | n | seviye | |
library | n | kütüphane | a place with a lot of books that you can read or borrow |
lie | v | yalan söylemek | to put your body flat on something or to be in this position |
life | n | hayat | the time between a person’s birth and their death |
lift | v | kaldırmak | |
light | adj | hafif | |
light | n | ışık | |
like | v | hoşlanmak | to enjoy something or think that someone or something is nice |
line | n | hat, çizgi | |
liquid | n | sıvı | |
list | v | listelemek | |
listen | v | dinlemek | to give attention to someone or something in order to hear them |
little | adj | küçük | small in size or amount |
live | v | yaşamak | to be alive |
live | v | yaşamak | to have your home somewhere |
living room | n | oturma odası | the room in a house where people sit to relax and watch television |
lizard | n | kertenkele | a small animal with thick skin, a long tail, and four short legs |
local | adj | yerel | relating to an area near you |
long | adj | uzun | having a large distance from one end to the other |
look after | v | gözetmek | to take care of someone or something |
look at | n | bakmak | to turn your eyes in the direction of something or someone so that you can see them |
lose | v | kaybetmek | to not be able to find someone or something |
loud | adj | gürültülü | |
love | v | sevmek | to like someone or something very much |
lovely | adj | sevimli | pleasant or enjoyable |
low | adj | alçak | |
luck | n | şans | good and bad things caused by chance and not by your own actions |
lucky | adj | şanslı | having good things happen to you |
lunch | n | öğle yemeği | the food that you eat in the middle of the day |
lunchtime | n | öğle yemeği vakti | the time when you eat lunch |
luxury | adj | lüks | expensive and beautiful |
machine | m | makine | |
magazine | n | dergi | a big thin book that you can buy every week or month, that has pictures and writing |
magic | n | sihir | special powers that can make things happen that seem impossible |
v | postalamak | to send a letter or parcel or email something | |
main course | n | ana yemek | the main dish that you eat when you eat a meal in two or more stages |
major | adj | ana, majör | |
make | v | yapmak | to create something |
man | n | adam | an adult male human |
many | adv | çok | |
March | n | Mart | the third month of the year |
mark | n | işaret/ not | |
market | n | pazar | |
marriage | n | evlilik | the legal relationship of a man and a woman being a husband and a wife |
marry | v | evlenmek | to begin a legal relationship with someone as their husband or wife |
mass | n | yığın | |
master | n | usta | |
match | n | maç | a sports competition in which two people or teams compete against each other |
meterial | n | materyal | |
Maths | n | Matematik | mathematics |
matter | n | sorun, konu | |
May | n | Mayıs | the fifth month of the year |
meal | n | yemek | when you eat, or the food that you eat at that time |
mean | v | anlamına gelmek | to have a particular meaning |
measure | v | ölçmek | |
meat | n | et | the soft parts of animals, used as food |
medicine | n | ilaç | something that you drink or eat when you are ill, to stop you being ill |
medium-length | adj | orta-uzunlukta | medium-length hair is not short or long but reaches the shoulders |
meet | v | buluşmak, karşılaşmak | |
melody | n | melodi | |
member | n | üye | a person who belongs to a group or an organisation |
men | n | adamlar | plural of ‘man’ |
menu | n | mönü | a list of food and drinks that you can get in a restaurant |
message | n | mesaj | a piece of written or spoken information which one person gives to another |
metal | n | metal | |
method | n | metot | |
middle | adj | ortada | |
mile | n | mil | |
milk | n | süt | a white liquid that babies and baby animals drink that comes from their mothers’ bodies |
million | n | milyon | |
mind | n | us, akıl | |
minute | n | dakika | a period of time equal to 60 seconds |
miss | v | özlemek | to feel sad about someone or something that you have stopped seeing or having |
mix | v | karıştırmak | |
mobile phone | n | cep telefonu | a telephone that you can carry everywhere with you |
model | n | model | someone whose job is wearing clothes for photographs or fashion shows |
modern | adj | modern | relating to the present time and not to the past |
molecule | n | molekül | |
mom | n | anne | an American word for mother |
moment | n | an | |
Monday | n | Pazartesi | the day of the week after Sunday and before Tuesday |
money | n | para | the coins or pieces of paper that are used for buying things |
monster | n | canavar | an imaginary creature that is large, ugly, and frightening |
month | n | ay | one of the twelve periods of time that a year is divided into |
moon | n | ay | the round object that shines in the sky at night and moves around the Earth |
more | adv | daha fazla | |
morning | n | sabah | |
most | adv | en çok | |
mother | n | anne | your female parent |
motion | n | hareket | |
mountain | n | dağ | |
mouth | n | ağız | the part of the face that is used for eating and speaking |
move | v | taşınmak | |
mum | n | anne | mother |
museum | n | müze | a building where you can look at important objects connected with art, history, or science |
multiply | v | çarpmak (mat.) | |
mushroom | n | mantar | a type of fungus (=organism like a plant) with a short stem and a round top, some types of which can be eaten |
music | n | müzik | a pattern of sounds that is made by playing instruments or singing, or a recording of this |
mystery | n | sır | something strange that cannot be explained or understood |
9th (ninth) | 9uncu (dokuzuncu) | ||
name | n | isim | the word or group of words that is used to refer to a person, thing, or place |
national | adj | ulusal | relating to the whole of a country |
natural | adj | doğal | made or caused by nature and not by people or machines |
near | yakın | not far away in distance | |
necessary | adj | gerekli | |
neck | n | boyun | |
need | v | ihtiyaç duymak | if you need something, you must have it, and if you need to do something, you must do it |
neighbour | n | komşu | |
never | adv | asla | not ever, not one time |
new | adj | yeni | recently made |
newsagent | n | gazete bayii | a shop that sells newspapers and magazines |
newspaper | n | gazete | large, folded sheets of paper which are printed with the news and sold every day or every week |
next to | yanında | very close to something or someone, with nothing in between | |
nice | adj | sevimli | pleasant |
night | n | gece | the time in every 24 hours when it is dark and people sleep |
No problem. | Sorun değil. | something that you say to mean you can or will do what someone has asked you to do | |
noise | n | gürültü | a sound, often a loud, bad sound |
noisy | adj | gürültücü | noisy people or things make a lot of noise |
non-stop | adj | aralıksız | without stopping |
noon | n | öğlen | |
normally | adv | normal olarak | usually |
north | n | kuzey | the direction that is on your left when you face towards the rising sun |
Norway | n | Norveç | a country in Europe |
nose | n | burun | the part of your face that you breathe through and smell with |
notebook | n | not defteri | a book with empty pages that you can write in |
notice | n | duyuru | |
noun | n | isim | |
now | adv | şimdi | |
November | n | Kasım | the eleventh month of the year |
number | n | numara, sayı | |
nurse | n | hemşire | someone whose job is looking after people who are ill and hurt |
object | n | nesne | |
observe | v | gözlemek | |
occur | v | meydana gelmek | |
ocean | n | okyanus | |
October | n | Ekim | the tenth month of the year |
of | -in | belonging or relating to someone or something | |
Of course | Elbette | used to say ‘yes’ strongly, often to be polite | |
offer | v | sunmak | |
often | adv | sık sık | many times or regularly |
oil | n | yağ | |
old | adj | eski | having lived or existed for a long time |
old-fashioned | adj | eski moda | not modern |
Olympic Games | n | Olimpiyat Oyunları | an international sports competition that happens every four years |
on | üstünde | on a surface of something | |
once a day / week / month / year | günde / hafta / ayda / yılda bir kere | one time | |
onion | n | soğan | a round vegetable with layers that has a strong taste and smell |
only | adv | sadece | |
onto | üstüne | used to show movement into or on a particular place | |
open | v | açmak | if you open something, you make it change to a position that is not closed |
operate | v | işletmek | |
opposite | karşısında | in a position facing someone or something but on the other side | |
orange | adj | turuncu | being a colour that is a mixture of red and yellow |
orange | n | portakal | a round, sweet fruit with a thick skin and a centre that has many parts |
order | v | ısmarlamak | to give someone an instruction that they must obey |
organisation | n | organizasyon | a group of people who work together for the same purpose |
organise | v | organize etmek | to plan or arrange something |
organised | adj | organize | an organised person plans things well |
original | adj | orijinal | |
other | adv | diğer | |
out | dışarı | used to show movement away from the inside of somewhere | |
outside | dışında | near a building or room but not in it | |
own | kendi | belonging to a particular person | |
owner | n | sahip | someone who owns something |
oxygen | n | oksijen | a gas in the air that people and animals must breathe |
page | n | sayfa | a piece of paper in a book, magazine, etc, or one side of a piece of paper |
paradise | n | cennet | a perfect place or situation |
parcel | n | paket | something that is covered in paper so that it can be sent by post |
parent | n | ebeveyn | your mother or father |
park | n | park | a large area of grass, often in a town, where people can walk and enjoy themselves |
park | v | park etmek | to leave a car in a place for a period of time |
part time | adj | yarı zamanlı | working or studying only for part of the day or the week |
party | n | parti | when people come together to enjoy themselves by talking, eating, drinking, and dancing |
party | v | parti yapmak | to enjoy yourself by talking, eating, drinking, and dancing with a group of people |
pay | v | ödemek | to give money to someone because you are buying something from them |
PE (physical education) | n | BE (beden eğitimi) | physical education: classes at school where children do exercise and play sport |
pen | n | dolmakalem | a long, thin object that you use to write or draw in ink |
pencil | n | kalem | a long, thin wooden object with a black or coloured point that you write or draw with |
people | n | insanlar | more than one person |
perhaps | adv | belki | possibly |
person | n | kişi | a human being |
phone | n | telefon | a piece of equipment that is used to talk to someone who is in another place |
photograph | n | fotoğraf | a picture made with a camera |
piano | n | piyano | a big wooden musical instrument with black and white bars that make sounds when you press them |
piece of paper | n | kağıt parçası | a sheet of paper |
pink | adj | pembe | being a pale red colour |
pizza | n | pizza | a flat, round piece of bread covered with tomato, cheese, etc and cooked in an oven |
plane | n | uçak | a vehicle that flies and has an engine and wings |
play | v | oynamak | when you play a sport or game, you take part in it |
play sports | spor yapmak | When you play a sport or game, you take part in it | |
play the piano | piyano çalmak | to make music using a piano | |
player | n | oyuncu | someone who plays a sport or game |
n | cep | a part of a piece of clothing that you can put things in | |
Poland | n | Polonya | a country in Europe |
police | n | polis | the organisation that makes people obey the law and that protects people against crime |
Polish | adj | Polonyalı | relating to Poland |
popular | adj | popüler | liked by many people |
population | n | nüfus | the number of people living in a particular area |
Portugal | n | Portekiz | a country in Europe |
post office | n | postane | a place where you can buy stamps and send letters and parcels |
potato | n | patates | a round, white vegetable that grows in the ground |
practical | adj | pratik | suitable or useful for a situation which may involve some difficulty |
practice | n | pratik | when you do an activity again and again to get better at it |
practise English | İngilizce pratiği yapmak | to speak English again and again in order to get better at it | |
practise the piano | piyano pratiği yapmak | to play the piano again and again in order to get better at it | |
present | n | hediye | something that you give to someone, usually on a special day |
president | n | başkan | the highest political position in some countries, usually the leader of the government |
pretty | adj | güzel | nice to look at, attractive |
prison | n | hapishane | a place where criminals are kept as a punishment |
probably | adv | muhtemelen | used to mean that something is very likely |
project | n | proje | a planned piece of work that has a particular purpose |
public | adj | kamusal | for everyone to use and not private |
pull | v | çekmek | to take hold of something and move it somewhere |
pumpkin | n | balkabağı | a large, round vegetable with thick, orange skin |
purple | adj | mor | being a colour that is a mixture of red and blue |
push | v | itmek | to move someone or something by pressing them with your hands or body |
put | v | koymak | to move something to a place or position |
quickly | adv | hızlıca | fast or in a short time |
quiet | adj | sessiz | making little or no noise |
quite | adv | bayağı, oldukça | a little or a lot but not completely |
rabbit | n | tavşan | a small animal with fur and long ears that lives in a hole in the ground |
race | n | yarış | a competition in which people run, ride, drive, etc against each other in order to see who is the fastest |
radio | n | radyo | a piece of equipment used for listening to radio broadcasts |
railway station | n | tren istasyonu | a building where trains stop so that you can get on or off them |
rain | v | yağmur yağmak | When it rains, water falls from the sky in small drops |
rap | n | rap | a type of music in which the words are spoken and there is a strong beat |
read | v | okumak | to look at words and understand what they mean |
ready | adj | hazır | prepared for doing something |
real | adj | gerçek | existing and not imagined |
Really? | Gerçekten mi? | said when you are surprised by what someone has said | |
red | adj | kırmızı | being the same colour as blood |
remember | v | hatırlamak | to keep something in your mind, or bring it back into your mind |
repeat | v | tekrarlamak | to say or do something more than once |
restaurant | n | restoran | a place where you can buy and eat a meal |
return | v | geri dönmek | to go or come back to a place where you were before |
rice | n | pirinç | small grains from a plant that are cooked and eaten |
rich | adj | zengin | a rich person has a lot of money |
riding | n | binicilik | the sport or activity of riding horses |
right | adj | doğru | correct or true |
river boat | n | nehir botu | a long, narrow boat that is used on a river |
road | n | yol | a long, hard surface built for cars to drive on |
roof | n | çatı | the surface that covers the top of a building or vehicle |
room | n | oda | a part of the inside of a building, which is separated from other parts by walls, floors, and ceilings |
run | v | koşmak | to move on your feet at a faster speed than walking |
running | n | koşu | the sport of moving on your feet at a speed faster than walking |
Russia | n | Rusya | a country in Europe |
2nd (second) | 2nci (ikinci) | being the one after the first | |
6th (sixth) | 6ncı (altıncı) | ||
7th (seventh) | 7nci (yedinci) | ||
sad | adj | üzgün | unhappy |
safe | adj | güvenli | not dangerous |
salad | n | salata | a cold mixture of vegetables that have not been cooked |
salt | n | tuz | a white substance used to add flavour to food |
same | aynı | exactly alike | |
sandwich | n | sandviç | two slices of bread with meat, cheese, etc between them |
Saturday | n | Cumartesi | the day of the week after Friday and before Sunday |
save | v | kurtarmak | to stop someone or something from being killed or destroyed |
say | v | söylemek | to speak words |
scared | adj | korkmuş | frightened or worried |
scarf | n | atkı | a piece of cloth that you wear around your neck or head to keep warm or for decoration |
school | n | okul | a place where children go to be educated |
school subject | n | okul dersi | a subject that children study at school |
Science | n | Bilim | the study of the structure of natural things and the way that they behave |
sea | n | deniz | a large area of salt water |
seaside | n | deniz kenarı | an area or town next to the sea |
seat | n | oturak | something that you sit on |
second | n | saniye | one of the 60 parts a minute is divided into |
see | v | görmek | to notice people and things with your eyes |
seem | v | görünmek | to appear to be |
sell | v | satmak | to give something to someone who gives you money for it |
send | v | göndermek | to arrange for something to go or be taken somewhere, especially by post |
separate | v | ayırmak | to divide into parts, or to make something divide into parts |
September | n | Eylül | the ninth month of the year |
shampoo | n | şampuan | a liquid substance that you use to wash your hair |
She’s fine. | O iyi. | used to say that someone is healthy and happy | |
ship | n | gemi | a large boat that carries people or goods by sea |
shoe | n | ayakkabı | a strong covering for the foot, often made of leather |
shoot | v | vurmak | to hurt or kill a person or animal by firing a bullet from a gun |
shop | n | dükkan | a building or part of a building where you can buy things |
shop assistant | n | dükkan yardımcısı | someone whose job is selling things in a shop |
short | adj | kısa | having a small distance from one end to the other |
shout | v | bağırmak | to say something very loudly |
show | v | göstermek | to prove that something is true |
shower | n | duş | a piece of bathroom equipment that you stand under to wash your whole body |
sight | n | görüş | the ability to use your eyes to see |
sign | v | imzalamak | to write your name on something to show that you wrote/painted, etc it or to show that you agree to it |
signal | n | sinyal | a movement, light, or sound which gives information, or tells people what to do |
silent | adj | sessiz | without any sound |
similar | adj | benzer | something which is similar to something else has many things the same, although it is not exactly the same |
simple | adj | basit | not difficult to do or to understand |
sing | v | şarkı söylemek | to make musical sounds with your voice |
singer | n | şarkıcı | someone who sings |
sister | n | kız kardeş | a girl or woman who has the same parents as you |
sit | v | oturmak | to be in a position with the weight of your body on your bottom and the top part of your body up, for example, on a chair |
ski | v | kaymak | to move over snow wearing skis |
skirt | n | etek | a piece of women’s clothing that hangs from the waist and has no legs |
sleep | v | uyumak | to be in the state of rest when your eyes are closed, your body is not active, and your mind is unconscious |
slow | adj | yavaş | moving, happening, or doing something without much speed |
slowly | adv | yavaşça | at a slow speed |
small | adj | küçük | little in size or amount |
smile | n | gülümseme | when the corners of your mouth go up so that you look happy or friendly |
snail | n | sümüklüböcek | a small creature with a long, soft body and a round shell |
snake | n | yılan | a long, thin creature with no legs that slides along the ground |
snowboard | v | snowboard yapmak | to do a sport in which you stand on a large board and move over snow |
soccer | n | futbol | an American for football – a game in which two teams of eleven people kick a ball and try to score goals |
sofa | n | kanepe | a large, comfortable seat for more than one person |
soldier | n | asker | a person in an army |
sometimes | adv | bazı zamanlar | on some occasions but not always or often |
son | n | erkek çocuk | your male child |
song | n | şarkı | words that go with a short piece of music |
sound | v | görünmek | to seem, from what you have heard or read |
soup | n | çorba | a hot, liquid food, made from vegetables, meat, or fish |
south | n | güney | the direction that is on your right when you face towards the rising sun |
Spain | n | İspanya | a country in Europe |
Spanish | adj | İspanyol | relating to Spain |
speak | v | konuşmak | to say something using your voice |
speaker | n | hoparlör | the part of a radio, CD player, etc which the sound comes out of |
special | adj | özel | better or more important than usual things |
spend | v | harcamak | to use money to buy or pay for something |
spider | n | örümcek | a creature with eight long legs which catches insects in a web (=structure like a net) |
sport | n | spor | a game or activity which people do to keep healthy or for enjoyment, often competing against each other |
sports facilities | n | spor tesisleri | places and equipment for people who play sports |
sports hall | n | spor salonu | a large room, especially in a school, that is used by people who are playing sport |
spring | n | ilkbahar | the season of the year between winter and summer, when the weather becomes warmer and plants start to grow again |
stamp | n | pul | a small piece of paper that you buy and stick onto a letter before you post it |
star | n | yıldız | a famous singer, actor, sports person, etc |
start | v | başlamak | to begin doing something |
starter | n | ordörv | something that you eat as the first part of a meal |
stay | v | kalmak | to continue to be in a place, job, etc and not leave |
steak | n | biftek | a thick, flat piece of meat |
steal | v | çalmak | to secretly take something that does not belong to you |
stereo | n | müzik sistemi | a piece of equipment for playing CDs, listening to the radio, etc that has two speakers (=parts where sound comes out) |
stone | n | taş | a small rock or piece of rock |
stop | v | durmak | to finish doing something that you were doing |
storm | n | fırtına | very bad weather with a lot of rain, snow, wind, etc |
story | n | hikaye | a description of a series of real or imaginary events which is intended to entertain people |
straight | adj | doğru | not curved or bent |
strange | adj | garip | unusual or not expected |
strawberry | n | çilek | a small, red fruit with small, brown seeds on its surface |
street market | n | semt pazarı | an area in a city or village where there are many small shops with open fronts or tables from which things are sold |
student | n | öğrenci | someone who is studying at a school or university |
study | v | çalışmak | to learn about a subject, usually at school or university |
stupid | adj | salak | very silly or not clever |
sudden | adj | ani | done or happening quickly and not expected |
suddenly | adv | aniden | quickly and when not expected |
sugar | n | şeker | a very sweet substance used to give flavour to food and drinks |
summer | n | yaz | the warmest season of the year, between spring and autumn |
sun | n | güneş | the large, bright star that shines in the sky during the day and provides light and heat for the Earth |
Sunday | n | Pazar | the day of the week after Saturday and before Monday |
sunny | adj | güneşli | bright because of light from the sun |
supermarket | n | süpermarket | a large shop that sells food, drink, products for the home, etc |
surname | n | soyisim | the name that you and other members of your family all have |
sweater | n | süeter | a warm piece of clothing which covers the top of your body and is pulled on over your head |
Swedish | adj | İsveçli | relating to Sweden |
sweet | n | tatlı | a small piece of sweet food, often made of sugar or chocolate |
swim | v | yüzmek | to move through water by moving your body |
swimming | n | yüzmek | when you move through water using your body |
swimming pool | n | yüzme havuzu | an area of water that has been made for people to swim in |
Switzerland | n | İsviçre | a country in Europe |
table | n | masa | a piece of furniture with four legs, used for eating off, putting things on, etc |
take | v | almak | to get and carry something with you when you go somewhere |
take a picture | v | fotoğraf çekmek | to use a camera to take a photograph |
talk | v | konuşmak | to say things to someone |
tall | adj | uzun | being higher than most other people or things |
taxi | n | taksi | a car with a driver who you pay to take you somewhere |
tea | n | çay | a hot drink that you make by pouring water onto dried leaves |
teacher | n | öğretmen | someone whose job is to teach in a school, college, etc |
team | n | takım | a group of people who play a sport or game together |
teenager | n | genç | someone who is between 13 and 19 years old |
teeth (plural of tooth) | n | dişler | Plural of tooth |
tell | v | anlatmak | to say something to someone, usually giving them information |
temperature | n | sıcaklık | how hot or cold something is |
tennis | n | tenis | a sport in which two or four people hit a small ball to each other over a net |
terrible | adj | korkunç | very bad |
test | n | test | a set of questions to measure someone’s knowledge or ability |
text | n | metin | the written words in a book, magazine, etc, not the pictures |
Thanks. | Teşekkürler. | used to tell someone that you are grateful to them | |
the news | n | haberler | a television programme that gives information about important things that have recently happened |
think | v | düşünmek | to have an opinion about something or someone |
think | v | düşünmek | to consider an idea or problem |
through | boyunca | from one end or side of something to the other | |
thumb | n | başparmak | the short, thick finger on the side of your hand |
Thursday | n | Perşembe | the day of the week after Wednesday and before Friday |
to be born | v | doğmak | when a person or animal is born, they come out of their mother’s body and start to exist |
toast | n | tost | bread that has been heated to make it brown |
toilet | n | tuvalet | a bowl that you sit on or stand near when you get rid of waste substances from your body |
tomato | n | domates | a soft, round, red fruit eaten in salad or as a vegetable |
tomorrow | n | yarın | the day after today or on the day after today |
tonight | n | bu gece | the night of this day, or during the night of this day |
tour | n | tur | a visit to and around a place, area, or country |
tourist | n | turist | someone who visits a place for pleasure and does not live there |
town | n | kasaba | a place where people live and work which is larger than a village |
trainers | n | spor ayakkabı | soft sports shoes |
transport | n | ulaşım | a vehicle or system of vehicles, such as buses, trains, aircraft, etc for getting from one place to another |
travel | v | seyahat etmek | to make a journey |
trick | n | hile | something you do to deceive someone, or to make someone look stupid |
trip | n | yolculuk | a journey in which you visit a place for a short time and come back again |
trousers | n | pantolon | a piece of clothing that covers the legs and has a separate part for each leg |
true | adj | doğru | based on facts and not imagined |
try | v | denemek | to attempt to do something |
try on | v | denemek (elbise) | to put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits you |
Tuesday | n | Salı | the day of the week after Monday and before Wednesday |
Turkey | n | Türkiye | a country in Asia |
turkey | n | hindi | a bird that looks like a large chicken, or the meat from this bird |
Turkish | adj | Türk | relating to Turkey |
turn | v | dönmek | to change direction when you are moving, or to make a car do this |
TV | n | TV | television |
twice a day / week / month / year | günde / hafta / ayda / yılda iki kere | two times | |
typical | adj | tipik | having all the qualities you expect a particular person, object, place, etc to have |
UFO | n | UFO | unidentified flying object: something strange that you see in the sky that could be from another part of the universe |
uncle | n | amca | the brother of your mother or father, or the husband of your aunt |
under | altında | below something | |
unhappy | adj | üzgün | sad |
university | n | üniversite | a place where students study at a high level to get a degree (=type of qualification) |
use | v | kullanmak | if you use something, you do something with it for a particular purpose |
usually | adv | genelde | in the way that most often happens |
vegetable | n | sebze | a plant that you eat, for example a potato, onion, etc |
verb | n | fiil | a word or group of words that refers to an action, state, or experience – for example the words ‘arrive’, ‘make’, ‘be’, and ‘feel’ are verbs |
video | n | video | a plastic box that you put into a machine in order to record a television programme or watch a programme that is already recorded |
village | n | köy | a place where people live in the countryside which is smaller than a town |
vinegar | n | sirke | a sour liquid that is used in cooking, often made from wine |
violin | n | keman | a wooden musical instrument that you hold against your neck and play by moving a stick across strings |
visit | v | ziyaret etmek | to go somewhere to see someone or a place |
volleyball | n | voleybol | a game in which two teams use their hands to hit a ball over a net |
vote | v | oy vermek | to show your choice or opinion in an election or meeting by writing a cross on an official piece of paper or putting your hand up |
wait | v | beklemek | to stay in a place until someone or something arrives |
waiter | n | garson | a man who works in a restaurant, bringing food to customers |
walk | v | yürümek | to move forward by putting one foot in front of the other and then repeating the action |
wallet | n | cüzdan | a small, flat container for paper money and credit cards (=plastic cards used for paying with), usually used by a man |
want | v | istemek | to hope to have or do something |
war | n | savaş | fighting, using soldiers and weapons, between two or more countries, or two or more groups inside a country |
warm | adj | ılık | having a temperature between cool and hot |
washing machine | n | çamaşır makinesi | a machine that washes clothes |
watch | v | izlemek | to look at something for a period of time |
water | n | su | the clear liquid that falls from the sky as rain and that is in seas, lakes, and rivers |
wavy | adj | dalgalı | not straight but with slight curves |
wear | v | giymek | to have a piece of clothing, jewellery, etc on your body |
weather | n | hava | the temperature or conditions outside, for example if it is hot, cold, sunny, etc |
Wednesday | n | Çarşamba | the day of the week after Tuesday and before Thursday |
weekend | n | hafta sonu | Saturday and Sunday, the two days in the week when many people do not work |
well | adj | iyi, sağlıklı | healthy |
well | adv | iyi | in a good way |
wet | adj | ıslak | covered in water or another liquid |
what | ne/kaç | used to ask for information about something | |
where | nerede | used to ask about the place or position of someone or something | |
white | adj | beyaz | being the colour of snow or milk |
who | kim | used to ask about someone’s name or which person or group someone is talking about | |
why | neden | used to ask or talk about the reasons for something | |
wife | n | eş | the woman that a man is married to |
win | v | kazanmak | to get the most points or succeed in a competition, fight or war |
window | n | pencere | a space in the wall of a building or vehicle that has glass in it, used for letting light and air inside and for looking through |
winner | n | kazanan | someone who wins a game, competition, or election |
winter | n | kış | the coldest season of the year, between autumn and spring |
wish | v | dilemek | to want a situation that is different from the one that exists |
with | ile | used to say that people or things are in a place together or are doing something together | |
woman | n | kadın | an adult female person |
women | n | kadınlar | plural of ‘woman’ |
wonderful | adj | mükemmel | very good |
work | n | iş | something you do to get money |
work | v | çalışmak | to do a job, especially the job you do to earn money |
world | n | dünya | the Earth and all the people, places, and things on it |
worried | adj | kaygılı | unhappy because you are thinking about bad things that might happen |
worse | adj | daha kötü | more unpleasant or difficult than something else that is also bad |
write | v | yazmak | to produce words, letters, or numbers on a surface using a pen or pencil |
writer | n | yazar | someone whose job is writing books, stories, articles, etc |
wrong | adj | yanlış | not correct |
year | n | yıl | a period of 12 months, or 365 or 366 days, especially from 1 January to 31 December |
yellow | adj | sarı | being the same colour as a lemon or the sun |
Yes, great. | Evet, harika. | something you say when you think something is really good | |
yesterday | dün | the day before today | |
yesterday afternoon / evening / morning | dün öğleden sonra/akşam/sabah | the afternoon/evening, etc of the day before this one | |
young | adj | genç | having lived or existed for only a short time and not old |
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